February 16, 2025


Its all about me today

KM-19 Unveiled: The Ultimate Coping Saw Upgrade

1 min read

*Get in on the Presale https://kmtools.com/products/km-19-coping-fret-combo-saw
Introducing the ultimate saw upgrade, the KM-19! In this video, we unveil the KM-19 coping/fret saw combo and show you how to use it effectively. Perfect for woodworking enthusiasts looking to take their saw game to the next level!

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*KM-19 Presale Here* https://kmtools.com/products/km-19-coping-fret-combo-saw
Batch 1 – Ships 1-3 Weeks from 1/19/25
Batch 2 – Ships 6-8 Weeks
*marking knife* https://www.bentrivers.com/
*The Katz-Moses Woodworkers with Disabilities Fund ABOUT* https://kmtools.com/pages/kmww-charity

The Problem with Coping Saws: 0:00
Introducing the KM-19 Coping/fret Saw Combo 0:54
Fret Saw vs Coping Saw 1:50
Tensioning and Blades Changes 2:36
7075 vs 6061 Aluminum 4:21
Blade Holders and Different Blades 4:48
Changing the Blade Angle 6:08
Changing Fret Saw Blades 7:03
Tips and Tricks for Joinery 8:50
Coping Molding 12:16
Complex Cuts and Free Cutting 14:56
Cutting Metal 15:49
Presale Details and What’s in the box16:45
Outro 17:29


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