VA Terminology Explained: What is considered a current diagnosis for VA disability?
2 min read
VA terminology can straight up confusing to understand when it comes to VA disability. In this video we will explain "What is considered a current diagnosis for VA disability. Current means a current diagnosis that you get from a doctor now because it is currently bothering you and bothering you so much that you are filing a VA claim for it. In VA terminology, the VA considers the term current between the time periods of todays date and 365 days prior to todays date. If you have a diagnosis that is more than a year old the VA will not consider it so get to the doctor now because after all you have a disability and you should be under the care of a doctor right?
The first thing needed for a successful disability claim is a current diagnosis. This simply means that the Veteran has an illness or injury at the time that they file a claim. The Veteran must be able to furnish competent evidence (usually a Medical opinion) that they have a condition. Just because a Veteran had an injury or illness while in service does not mean they are eligible. Many Veterans experienced an injury while in service. However, they suffered no further problems with that injury. Therefore, that injury does not entitle them to compensation because they do not have a current condition stemming from it. Exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam is not enough to qualify a Veteran for compensation either. They must show evidence of a current condition to file a disability claim.
It is important to realize that there must be more evidence other than the Veteran telling a VSO that they are continuing to hurt. This is because a VSO is not a Doctor and is in no position to make any recommendations or provide evidence on behalf of the Veteran. Most of the time the evidence should come from a Doctor as a diagnosis of some disability or condition.
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