If you want to build a kayak kit or know someone that would like a build project our kayak... Quick process video on our new kit the Quick Build 14. Kits are available through our website. Build tutorials... Finally a video for beginners at eye splicing. Boat Builder Bob Emser takes us through the process of eye... What are the different bronze blocks and cleats for? And where do they go on the boat? These questions... What do you need to know to design and build a trailer for your sailboat? Boat builder, Bob Emser... Want to add some class to your classic sailboat? Consider reconditioning some vintage bronze turnbuckles. Boat Builder, Bob Emser,... How to add patches, reef points and battens. Sailmaking isn't just sewing seams, it also includes several complex parts.... Ever dream of sewing your own sails? Boat Builder, Bob Emser demystifies the process as he constructs the jib... What is the difference between pin and rivet peening? Boat builder Bob Emser explains both methods and where they...