Category: It’s Today

Everything about what’s going on today.

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My Antiphilosophy

What if “having a philosophy” were actually deeply unphilosophical..? I discuss the meaning of philosophy, the philosophical way of life, and four threats to the…

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Psychology and Education in Times of Transformation with Darian

I’m joined by Darian (@royalfool) to discuss some of the most pressing issues of our time, from education to the order of our governments –…

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On Freedom — History, Human Will, and Ducks

Are human beings free? Do we have freedom of will, or are our actions determined? What would it even mean to say that we are…

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3. The Sense of History: The Mythological View

What is the relation between myth, legend and sacred texts like the Bible, to history? Are they forms of history, or are they fundamentally and…

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2. The Sense of History: The Ancient View

In the first video for this series, I considered the inadequacy of our modern approach to history. But where does that leave us? What are…

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I. The Sense of History: The Modern View

We moderns take the idea of history for granted — but what is history? What does it mean to study it, or to know about…

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On the Muses

What, or who, are the Muses, and what is their role in the life of the artist and in the life of society? I offer…

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The Renaissance – The Best of Times? Or the Worst of Times?

There are few historical periods so surrounded by myth and controversy as the Renaissance. To some, it is the greatest cultural outpouring of all of…

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Thoughts on Mother Nature

What do we mean when we speak of Mother Nature? What is the meaning of the word “nature” itself, and how has it changed in…

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What Is Culture?

What does the word “culture” really mean? How has the word changed meaning over time? And what is the future of true culture in our…

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