September 20, 2024


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How to Overcome a Duty to Assist Error in Your VA Claim Appeal

3 min read

Although the VA claims process is designed to provide veterans with a fair and efficient way to appeal denied benefits, it is not uncommon for errors to occur. One of the most common errors that can arise in a VA claim appeal is known as a "duty to assist" error.

What is a Duty to Assist Error?

A duty to assist error occurs when the Department of Veterans Affairs fails to fulfill their legal obligation to gather all necessary evidence relevant to your claim. This can include gathering medical records, scheduling exams or obtaining expert opinions on your case.

A duty to assist error can result in important evidence being overlooked or ignored, leading to a denial of your benefits. It is important to recognize this error and take action to overcome it in order to receive the benefits you deserve.

Recognizing a Duty to Assist Error

It can be difficult for veterans to recognize when a duty to assist error has occurred in their VA claim appeal. The best way to determine if this type of error has occurred is by carefully reviewing all communications received from the VA and comparing it with the evidence submitted in support of your claim.

If you notice any discrepancies or missing evidence, it may be an indication that a duty to assist error has taken place. In addition, if you have not been scheduled for a medical exam or received any requests for additional evidence, this could also be a sign of a duty to assist error.
Steps to Overcome a Duty to Assist Error

If you believe that a duty to assist error has occurred in your VA claim appeal, there are steps you can take to address the issue and increase your chances of receiving a favorable outcome. These include:

Contacting the Decision Review Officer: The first step is to contact the Decision Review Officer (DRO) assigned to your case. You can request a copy of your claims file and review it for any missing or overlooked evidence. If you find any errors or discrepancies, you can discuss them with the DRO and request that they be addressed.

Submitting a Supplemental Claim: If the DRO is unable to address the duty to assist error, you may need to submit a supplemental claim with additional evidence supporting your case. Be sure to include any missing or overlooked evidence in your submission.

Filing an Appeal: If you are still unsatisfied with the decision on your supplemental claim, you can file an appeal with the Board of Veterans’ Appeals (BVA). This is a formal process that involves presenting your case before a panel of judges who will review all evidence and make a decision.

In conclusion, a duty to assist error can be a frustrating and discouraging obstacle in your VA claim appeal. However, by recognizing this type of error and taking appropriate action, you can increase your chances of receiving the benefits you deserve.

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