September 20, 2024


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VA Disability Benefits: Unique and Practical Secondary Claims That Increase Your Rating Fast!

2 min read

The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers a variety of disability benefits to veterans who have sustained injuries or illnesses during their service. These benefits are intended to compensate for the physical, mental, and emotional disabilities that may hinder a veteran’s ability to function in society.

One type of disability benefit offered by the VA is known as secondary claims. Unlike primary claims, which are based on direct injuries or illnesses incurred during military service, secondary claims are based on conditions that are caused or aggravated by a service-connected disability. In this article, we will explore the unique and practical aspects of secondary claims and how they can help increase your rating quickly.

Understanding Secondary Claims

Secondary claims refer to disabilities that are caused or aggravated by a service-connected disability. For example, if a veteran suffers from a knee injury that was sustained during their military service and as a result, develops arthritis in the knee later on, this condition would be considered a secondary claim.

In order to qualify for secondary claims, there must be evidence linking the secondary condition to the primary service-connected disability. This can include medical records, doctor’s opinions, and other supporting evidence.

Why Secondary Claims Are Important

As previously mentioned, secondary claims can help increase your VA disability rating quickly. This is because these conditions are directly linked to your service-connected disability and can often have a major impact on your daily life.

Additionally, receiving a higher rating for your secondary claims can also lead to an increase in compensation from the VA. This can provide much-needed financial support for veterans who may be struggling with the effects of their disabilities.

Unique Aspects of Secondary Claims

One major advantage of secondary claims is that they do not have to meet the same stringent requirements as primary claims. For primary claims, the VA requires a direct connection between the disability and military service, which can often be difficult to prove.

However, for secondary claims, there only needs to be a link between the secondary condition and an already established service-connected disability. This means that even if your primary claim was denied or you did not receive a high enough rating, you may still be able to obtain benefits through a secondary claim.

Additionally, secondary claims are not limited to physical conditions. Mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can also be considered as secondary claims if they are linked to a service-connected disability.

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