September 20, 2024


Its all about me today

The Renaissance – The Best of Times? Or the Worst of Times?

1 min read

There are few historical periods so surrounded by myth and controversy as the Renaissance. To some, it is the greatest cultural outpouring of all of human history; to others, it represents the beginning of the long decadence of modernity.

What was the Renaissance? What does it represent, and how should we view it?

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00:00 The debate
01:40 Renaissance vitalism
3:47 Renaissance conflict with Christendom
9:44 Renaissance exceptionalism
12:51 Renaissance revolutions
18:23 The case against the Renaissance
20:42 Extremism in our time
22:36 Renaissance chiaroscuro
23:58 The Renaissance as a transitional period
25:52 The Renaissance and the problem of culture
28:04 Closing remarks

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Thoughts on culture —
Reflections on a film about the Renaissance —

Richard Storey on coorporatism:

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