September 20, 2024


Its all about me today

VA Program That Lets Veterans Choose Your Own Civilian Doctor

2 min read

In this video, Dr. Antonio Webb, an orthopedic spine surgeon and U.S. Air Force veteran, explains the VA’s Community Choice program and how it provides treatment for veterans dealing with neck or back pain. As a veteran and physician, Dr. Webb acknowledges the difficulties of navigating the VA system and offers his services as a civilian doctor. Through the Community Choice program, veterans can use their benefits to receive specialized care from doctors like Dr. Webb. He encourages those experiencing neck or back pain to visit his website and reach out for more information on scheduling a consultation. To see Dr Webb as a patient, please contact: Antonio J. Webb, MD Orthopedic Spine Surgeon South Texas Spinal Clinic 9150 Huebner Road Suite 290 San Antonio, Texas 78240 Office: 210-614-6432 Fax: 210-293-4171 Learn about Dr. Webb’s foundation Dr. Webb’s new book, Overcoming the Odds (ranked 5 STARS!) is available NOW at: MEDICAL DISCLAIMER The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of something you have read on this website. Never rely on information on this website in place of seeking professional medical advice.


hey what’s up guys my name is Dr Antonio

Webb I’m an orthopedic spine surgeon

here in San Antonio Texas in addition to

being a orthopedic spine surgeon I am a

eight-year U.S Air Force military

veteran I get asked questions all the

time from patients hey Dr Webb I’m a

military veteran can I be seen in your

office for my neck or back pain and the

answer is yes through the VA through a

program called Community Choice you’re

able to utilize your military benefits

as a veteran and see a civilian doctor

or surgeon such as myself

I understand what veterans go through I

went to Iraq in 2005 as a medic and just

being in the military for eight years I

understand the complexities and also the

difficulties in navigating the VA system

so if you have neck or back pain and you

want to see me and meet for me to be

your provider or surgeon please contact

my office today my website is Antonio and I look forward to meeting





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