September 20, 2024


Its all about me today

Anuri 16 Coaming Refinish

1 min read

This Anuri 16 was built in 1992 and only had some minor refinishing required on the hatches and top coaming. The hatches and coaming were weathered and required new fiberglass and varnish. This is a simple refinish, since the paddler wanted to continue using the kayak before fully stripping away the deck and hull varnish and reapplying the graphite undercoating. Happy paddling.

Handmade. Adventure Ready.

0:00 – Intro
0:14 – Overview
0:54 – Stripping the Fiberglass
1:16 – Check the Stain Colour
1:22 – Applying the Stain
1:44 – Cutting Fiberglass Cloth
1:54 – Saturate the Fiberglass Cloth
2:32 – Cut the Overhanging Fiberglass
3:06 – Applying First Coat of Varnish
3:50 – Apply the Final Coat of Varnish
4:03 – Final Result

#kayak #diy #repair #varnish #fiberglass #woodboat #woodkayak


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