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DIY Hardware Storage

  I can’t stand having hardware just hanging out on my workbench, so I built this rolling hardware storage caddy…

On the Muses

What, or who, are the Muses, and what is their role in the life of the artist and in the…

The Renaissance – The Best of Times? Or the Worst of Times?

There are few historical periods so surrounded by myth and controversy as the Renaissance. To some, it is the greatest…

Thoughts on Mother Nature

What do we mean when we speak of Mother Nature? What is the meaning of the word “nature” itself, and…

What Is Culture?

What does the word “culture” really mean? How has the word changed meaning over time? And what is the future…

The Crisis of Meaning in Modernity with Sean Berube

Sean Berube joins me to discuss Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, the crisis of meaning in Modernity, and what we can do to…

The Mystery of the Senses: Touch

Why do human beings touch? Why is touch so important to our society, our relationships, and our psychology? And how…

Is Experience Really the Best Teacher?

We often hear that experience is the best teacher – but is this true? And what does it even mean?…

Individualism and the Worship of Mammon with Richard Storey

I’m joined by Richard Storey to discuss individualism, corporatism, and the modern adoration of money, with a few stops along…

Living (Sanely) with Technology

Offering some thoughts on technology, its effects in our lives, and how we can orient ourselves in our technological world….

Against the Niche Spirit

I’ve premised my YouTube Channel and my X profile on my opposition to the niche spirit. But what is the…